ICS - Company formations

Company Formation Agent - A Helping Hand in Starting Your Own Company
With only a small number of foreign companies each year, filed, Company Formation Malta is the secret pearl of the oyster of international company formation. The politicians and statesmen in Malta have developed a system that allows for 5% corporate tax together with the Euro zone. The system that allows for this to occur is the tax refund scheme.
Maltese businesses are charged a company tax of 35% on each of their sales. But, the tax that is suffered is subject to numerous extenuating circumstances. To the majority of men and women in the world, the most fascinating of these is the 6/7 tax refund offered to foreign investors.

Company formation Malta

The amazing 6/7 refund works like this: The business pays 35% tax on it is earnings. The foreign shareholders apply for a tax refund of 6/7 of the 35 % tax born. 6/7 of 35 is 30 and thus magic formula gives you a net tax sufferance of near 5%. Following other tax write-offs offered to the firm, the real tax burden can be +/- a few points in every single direction.

What's fur certain is that in case you are a small, medium or large sized company that is seeking to set up a presence in Europe and lives outside of Europe, Malta is where to set up business.

Company formation Dubai

What is a lot more certain is that in the event that you are coping in online trade of intellectual property, done accurately Malta is a tax paradise.